Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is something I call dragon skin.  I got this idea after listening to a Druid friend of mine describe his idea of how legends about dragons may have come about.  He tells the story better than me but he describes someone of African decent coming to a European village with a small bright colored animal (what we would now know as a panther chameleon) and telling everyone in the village it was a baby dragon.  Of course, at that time in Europe most people had never left their village and had only seen people that lived in their village, so seeing a person that looked so exotic with an animal that was exotic would leave them with few choices but to believe that they had seen a baby dragon.  They would then pass the story down to their family members and the legends of dragons got started.

I got to thinking, if I wanted to make someone believe I had access to a live dragon, how would I do it.  These pieces are the result.

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